
          	Chapter 8 (hopefully due to be posted early next week), will see us finally visit the Veil, as we meet the infamous Dein-HeiRoul-Grol.IV-02, The Manno-Grol or the Veil Keeper. He is a being tasked with ruling over the technologically sophisticated Grol'Vaa, and portecting the Veil from what they see as unlawful and blasphemous intrusion. Dein will have a big part to play in the journey's of Hess, Moilen and the terrifying Roku.
          	Let me know if anyone has any questions about the world of The Veil.
          	Thanks guys


          Chapter 8 (hopefully due to be posted early next week), will see us finally visit the Veil, as we meet the infamous Dein-HeiRoul-Grol.IV-02, The Manno-Grol or the Veil Keeper. He is a being tasked with ruling over the technologically sophisticated Grol'Vaa, and portecting the Veil from what they see as unlawful and blasphemous intrusion. Dein will have a big part to play in the journey's of Hess, Moilen and the terrifying Roku.
          Let me know if anyone has any questions about the world of The Veil.
          Thanks guys


What does everyone think to this as a story description? 
          Beyond the furthest reaches of our known universe, at the very edge of molecular creation, lies something that would shake the very pillars of human life itself if it was ever to be discovered......The Veil. A fissure in space, that seperates our known universe, and theirs: a universe that existed before ours, but one that couldn't be more different, with no law-abiding societies, countless warring races, and the threat of their whole existence being plunged into eternal darkness and chaos.
          Hess is one of the residents of this universe of chaos, an abandoned child forced to grow up under servitude to a Flare-catching cartel. But Hess's entire life is about to change, and his fate and the journey he will undertake to escape the chaos around him, will be intricantly linked to the fate and future of his entire universe, the original universe, and the Veil itself......
          Any comments and advice (hopefully constructive!) are most welcome!!


Here is an extract from chapter 4 of my ongoing sci-fi novel, The Veil! If you are enjoy reading it, please head to wattpad or Inkitt and read the first 7 chapters, your feedback would be most welcome!
          Extract from Chapter 4: 
          Hess sat back against the slab of rock, before looking back across at the dead body of Orlu. Hess's whole body now shook with rage, his breath becoming fast paced and deep. Just as Tarlo had stepped close enough to the shack so that Hess could read the engraving on his double-blade, the Moak charged towards the wall of the shack, the slab in front of him, and crashed through the flimsily built wall and straight into the approaching Tarlo, sending the giant Boa-Kan flying across the dirt, along with his blade and rifle. Hess himself was sent sprawling too, along with the giant slab that had cracked in half such was the force it had been hit with.
          Before Hess even had a chance to regain his composure, Tarlo had regained his, and was on him like a flash, charging into him with his shoulder and sending Hess flying once more. The air had been knocked out of him as Tarlo approached again, sending his giant first flying into Hess's face, catching him flush in the cheek bone, and sending a spurt of dark blue blood splashing across the molten floor.
          "Ooooohhhh I'm gonna enjoy this one Moak....." exclaimed the cackling Tarlo, as he again wound up to send a flying fist at Hess, this time directed at his spleen.
          Hess took the blow, but had regained his balance enough to send a punch back of his own, catching the onrushing Tarlo under the chin, sending him tumbling backwards.
          " that all you got muk?!" Tarlo exclaimed, wiping the black blood away from his jaggedly tusked jawline.


Chapter 8 of "The Veil" will be online shortly to read and hopefully provide some feedback on too! 
          Any feedback will be massively appreciated, as it would be great to know whether the plot, characters and worlds I am creating are as engaging and interesting as I believe them to be in my head! 
          There will also be an updated version of "The Veil Guide" soon too, with more terms and worlds and species from the world of The Veil, as well as some character illustrations too, if I get round to it!
          Thanks guys! Please do let me know what you think if you get the chance!


There is now a translated Portuguese version of "The Veil", for any portuguese or brazilian readers (my wifes family is brazilian!) to hopefully enjoy!
          It was translated using Google Translate, so please forgive any mistakes in the translation!
          Há agora uma versão traduzida para o português de "The Veil", para qualquer leitor português ou brasileiro (a família da minha esposa é brasileira!) para desfrutar!
          Ele foi traduzido usando o Google Tradutor, então por favor, perdoe quaisquer erros na tradução!


"The Veil", is my ongoing first entry into what I hope will be an epic sci-fi trilogy, set across a whole new universe full of strange worlds, intergalatic politics, warring races and unique characters! 
          Hess is a Moak, an almost extinct race of enslaved beings in what is called "The Original Universe", a universe engulfed in gravitational and inter-racial chaos, that is seperated from our universe by The Veil, a scientific anomoly. In this first entry, Hess must undertake a periolous journey to ensure his own survival, and the survival of his species, and along the way he will make allegiances, friendships and enemies galore, as the fate of the entire universe rests in the balance. 
          Moilen the Vashan pilot, Loi the Kilhoinan shape-shifter and Nahil the cross-race mage will all join Hess on his journey, and he will come face to face with the most feared race in the universe, the Boa-Kan's, led by the terrifying cartel leader Roku!
          The Veil is a sci-fi epic that will visit the worlds of Jin, Veil IV, Hoton, the asteroid fields of Tobos and many more wild and wonderful places, and the stakes could not be higher.
          Please do give the opening 6 chapters of The Veil a read, and I would be very, very grateful for your constructive feedback if possible!
          It is also available to read on Inkitt, and The Veil Guide (a guide to the terms, worlds and races in The Veil) is also available here and on Inkitt, as well as my other ongoing work, the global conpsiracy thriller "Trojan", part 1 of my Belicista Series. 
          Thanks very much, and please have a read of The Veil and maybe share it too, and I really look forward to reading your reviews and comments (hopefully!) and your feedback!
          Thanks guys!