
On this day, the 28th Decmber 2014, Leelah Alcorn committed suicide. She was brave for as long as she could be- but no person, cis, trans or gender independant could possibly deal with everything that she faced. Alone. Her parents isolated her, and in their determination to fix and love their son, they murdered their beautiful daughter. Leelah Alcorn, an inspiration and an icon, a wonderful young woman and our beloved princess boy: we still miss her, and we will mourn her today alongside the hundreds of faceless, nameless LGBTQIA+ Youth who we have lost to homophobia, transphobia and the society which Leelah went to her grave wishing she could fix. No young woman deserves to be burried in a suit with the wrong name and the wrong age,  and no transgender deserves to be denied their humanity, and still it happens... For Leelah, we give our hearts warmly; for Leelah, we will continue to fight our battle against transphobia until we win. Because we will win, one day, and let us hope that we do so before one more life too many is lost. 
          	Rest in peace as you rest in power, Leelah and Zander, you are our martrys and our saints: The transboy and transgirl under whose name our banner flies. Best wishes and strength to you all <3


On this day, the 28th Decmber 2014, Leelah Alcorn committed suicide. She was brave for as long as she could be- but no person, cis, trans or gender independant could possibly deal with everything that she faced. Alone. Her parents isolated her, and in their determination to fix and love their son, they murdered their beautiful daughter. Leelah Alcorn, an inspiration and an icon, a wonderful young woman and our beloved princess boy: we still miss her, and we will mourn her today alongside the hundreds of faceless, nameless LGBTQIA+ Youth who we have lost to homophobia, transphobia and the society which Leelah went to her grave wishing she could fix. No young woman deserves to be burried in a suit with the wrong name and the wrong age,  and no transgender deserves to be denied their humanity, and still it happens... For Leelah, we give our hearts warmly; for Leelah, we will continue to fight our battle against transphobia until we win. Because we will win, one day, and let us hope that we do so before one more life too many is lost. 
          Rest in peace as you rest in power, Leelah and Zander, you are our martrys and our saints: The transboy and transgirl under whose name our banner flies. Best wishes and strength to you all <3


people! I'm so sorry that I didn't do any of the updating I promised D: I've been all caught up on account and also with re-writing my original story, instagram and homework... *sigh* Anyway, I've almost finished a thing for English and then I'll get right on with a new update and who knows, you might get one by the weekend?