
Damn people be out here causing their own problems. Alexa play Life's been good by Joe Walsh!


My ignition switch is fixed bitches!!!


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Remember kids: be stubborn, don't let anyone tell you that you can't do shit.  Only the believers get to see you achieve your dreams. Pay no mind to the people that lost faith in your craft and passions. It's on them for not being there for you.


All humans are one step from death, some of us have yet to take that step and I can help those who are ready.. -pre-doula Caellum
          When we fear our mortality we are not truly living. We constantly daydream about living without a conscious effort to think about if can truly control how are end will be. 
          You're not too young to make a living will or a combined directive at 20. Fill one out and no one will have to pump you full of medications IVs when you don't want it and can't speak for yourself. Give yourself the peace of mind knowing your friendos got your back while in the hospital. They can put their foot down for you and let the doctor what you want and don't want. Did you know an average 70%  of End of life decisions are made within less than a week of someone's death with most decisions not being what the person wanted because they did not have an advanced directive and a proxy to relay that information to the doctors or think they had a choice in their care? Scary thought right? A proxy can be a lawyer, a doctor friend, a relative and a family friend who you trust to make sure your wishes are carried out the way you want them to. Consider thinking about how you want your end to be while you're still able to. Don't make that mistake yourself and wake up alive when you didn't want to be. Your choice of course. We all die. Why not make it a comfortable one? 


Yee! It's weird progressing so fast! I'm so close to getting the life I want. The world of End of life here I come!


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@Caellum-Pendragon13 message me as soon as you add me back to your phone. I got some shit to tell you.


@Caellum-Pendragon13 I need your phone number again I had to get a new phone because my old phone blew up so I don't have all the phone numbers


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I am living in a country where I live with the possibility of being killed in the streets, in schools , in places of worship alongside my fellow minorities just for existing. But I don't fear my death because I will never apologize for being trans nor will I ever regret it. I am a selfmade man and I am damn proud of it. I have bigger balls than the supreme court and the entire government system combined. Suck this big bitch dick because we're not going give up being who we are to make you comfortable because you don't want to put in the effort to try and understand us. It doesn't work that way. I'll live a man and I'll die a man.
          Rip Nex, you deserved to live your life free of consequence for existing that was cut short by bigotry and hatred of cowards. We love you and we'll see you in paradise sweetheart. The world didn't have the heart but you sure did.