
You just went for a walk, it was twilight and the landscape was very beautiful when suddenly a bird flies on your shoulder. It was a phoenix. You take him on your arm and stroke him. „Who are you?“ Ask the little water phoenix. He stretches his foot on you to „Nanu? What is that?“ You ask. You see a piece of paper attached to its foot and attached with an orange bow. You take the piece of paper in your hand. The phoenix flies away and you wave after him with a smile. You open the letter and see, walk along the path in front of you, there you will find what you are looking for, at some point you will see a clearing, and you will see ivy‘ the rest was demolished, but that should be enough, you think.
          You walk as prescribed, when you walk through the ivy, you see a door behind it. You open it hesitantly and see a magical forest. You look around.
          You can see a small path in front of you, you go in. Suddenly you are patted on the shoulder. You turn around and see a girl with golden eyes and brown curly hair.
          „Thank you,“ she said with a smile. Confused, do you look at them „For what?“ You ask.
          „Well, for following, but I have to show you around now“ The girl pulled you along and showed you a whole world full of magic ( imagine this part yourself), you feel comfortable. And what I actually want to achieve...
          Thank you for following me, you are now officially a snow leaf <3333
          How did it come about?
          Lg Mia