It's been a nice three years guys... well, actually I wasn't on for there years... I was essentially on this account for a few months, and then I went on hiatus for, like, two and a half years and just recently came back. But whatever. My new account is @ars-moriendi so check it out. I'll be coming out with an original dystopian story in August (???? maybe).
          	Bye guys.
          	     - Carly


It's been a nice three years guys... well, actually I wasn't on for there years... I was essentially on this account for a few months, and then I went on hiatus for, like, two and a half years and just recently came back. But whatever. My new account is @ars-moriendi so check it out. I'll be coming out with an original dystopian story in August (???? maybe).
          Bye guys.
               - Carly


this message may be offensive
Why did any of you follow me? Thirteen year old me was such a shitty, lame ass person with no life. I mean, I'm still a shitty, lame ass person with no life but now I have an impeccable fashion sense and can drive.


@Melanie_James Where is the lie though?


@CaRlYbIeRsAcK  because ultimately we are all shitty lame ass people with no life hiding behind our computer screens and phones to watch netflix and read ridiculous fan fictions that will never happen, but we have a tiny hope inside us that wishes they were real.