@DxeamScope ;;
          “that’s amazing !” newt quietly remarked back , not a hint of hesitance or even confusion in him . being a wizard — he’d seen all kinds of things , but this was a bit new to him .
          “err — i’m sorry , but . . that’s very interesting to me . are you . . the only kind of your species ?” 


@DxeamScope ;;
          “oh , no . you’re . . alright .” newt seemed to be almost perplexed , but his face shortly softened afterwards . he had a lot of questions to ask— but didn’t want to alarm , or possibly scare ella off .
          “so . . might i ask , what was that ?” his eyes seemed to now hold curiosity in them . 


@DxeamScope ;;
          “um , well— yes , i’m feeling . . quite alright , but are you aware that . .” the male trailed off , bringing a hesitantly curled finger up to his lips in thought — before letting his hand slowly motion towards the tail .
          “. . you have . . two— rather , now three tails showing ?” 


@DxeamScope ;;
          but newt sure did notice , his eyes immediately falling to the two tails swaying behind the girl with ease . the male forced his hazel orbs to look upwards and gently reached out to shake her hand . but every once and awhile , they’d jump to where he could see the fox-like fails . 
          “e—em , i’m newt . newt scamander . .” 


@DxeamScope ;;
          “well — yes .” the wizard heavily avoided eye contact as his hazel eyes darted down towards the ground . and he rocked on his heels , before opening his lips to speak again .
          “there’s always something magical about working with them .” newt finally managed to look at the girl , his smile still staying firm on his face .
          “why do you ask ?” 


@DxeamScope ;;
          //; noooo it’s wonderful !
          newt lifted his head once he heard the feminine voice , and let an ever so soft smile begin to form on his lips . “quite .” the brit spoke softly , as that was just how he simply spoke .
          “ah , i absolutely love what i do . . working with animals is a joy .”