this message may be offensive
Sup hoes  Fuck everything now it sucks lol. Be back in a few weeks miss you bitches but I gotta go so say hi to Mitch for me. Anyways life sucks cuz I’m being fucking beaten at school for being trans. I’m suspended for hitting the bitch lol. I need mental help really badly. Fuck this shit man I’m sad and tired anyways I’m gonna stay up to two am cause my life is really fucked now. Anyways I lost my knife so ima go give my self led poisoning by eating led paint =)
          	- Theo/Will. I miss y’all but I don’t


:) goodbye and thank you. Just forget about me please


@C0FF33-CR1SP goodbye child :( I wish I could at hi to Mitch but he kinda dropped off the face of the earth- I'll wait for you however <3


this message may be offensive
Sup hoes  Fuck everything now it sucks lol. Be back in a few weeks miss you bitches but I gotta go so say hi to Mitch for me. Anyways life sucks cuz I’m being fucking beaten at school for being trans. I’m suspended for hitting the bitch lol. I need mental help really badly. Fuck this shit man I’m sad and tired anyways I’m gonna stay up to two am cause my life is really fucked now. Anyways I lost my knife so ima go give my self led poisoning by eating led paint =)
          - Theo/Will. I miss y’all but I don’t


:) goodbye and thank you. Just forget about me please


@C0FF33-CR1SP goodbye child :( I wish I could at hi to Mitch but he kinda dropped off the face of the earth- I'll wait for you however <3


pov its 1:45 am and your listening Twin Size Mattress while thinking should you kill urself :') -totally not me-


I’m back bitches


Also that song is literally so good 


today i was diagnosed with insomnia and bpd


thats the reason i dont get enough sleep