
Hey sorry if i'm bothering you for doing something but i can shared my story idea like yandere david from camp camp x kanao reader but is your chose to written or not the story


@ syarifahfakriyah  What a good idea! but please forgive me, but I have not watched it, I only know some passages. So please forgive me! But I can't write about it yet. 


Hey dude I have request can you make rottmnt x reader bro I think it will awesome because I saw your youtube channel and it's was amazing video you make it 


@user23005564 thanks my bro you the best 


@Graysans123 I don't even know, but when I'm sure I will definitely write about them!


hello good trades, nights or days!  I wanted to tell her that I love her books!  They are the best I have read and I hope that if it is not a bother to know when the yandere lmk x reader is going to update, honestly it is the one that I love the most and I hope it is not annoying for you Thank you very much for creating such books I love you, you love it and want
           (and I'm sorry for my ugly English, I'm learning to write it, I hope I didn't see myself wrong or insult you with something if it was like that, I apologize!)


@ meiilovet  You're welcome, it's a pleasure and thanks you are too and there is no problem for me I hope everything I have to wait for Thank you very much for answering me ♡ and I'm sorry for my ugly English is not my native language


@ meiilovet  Hi! Ooo thank you for such kind words! You are the very charm! When will there be an update? In fact, I don't know for sure yet, but I will try to work much more actively! (Don't worry my English is terrible too )