
Mwah just a reminder that I love yall and to love yourself cuz you deserve all the sparkles and shines in the universe


I need help 
          Like seriously my mental issues is getting out of hand 
          Tell me how 2 seconds ago I was laughing and dancing and now I wanna freaking kms bro
          I started crying yesterday for absolutely no reason 
          My skin condition (caused mainly by stress) is getting else by the day and I can't control it anymore 
          Honestly what's the freaking point of it anymore if this is how I'm gonna be anyway 
          Probably delete this later see ya


Way is up my dudes 
          Been a while hasn't it
          Anyway I'm mad bored cuz of this quarantine shiz so I'm revisiting Wattpad for a bit 
          So what's up if anyone has any good MHA, Demon Slayer or Musical fanfic recommendation s I'm all ears 
          Anyways be safe and wash den detty hands


Aaahh school time what a time to be alive 
          Yeah so I haven't touched wattpad since september 4th 
          I came and had 56 notifications yeah so I'm going on a haitus till summer
          I am in 7th grade now 
          Woop te doo
          Anyway see ya in june or in school