
well I don't do this alot but i genuinely loved your writing and book as well I was hoping that there might be more books from you but there isn't :( that's kinda sad because I'm loving this one I hope you're doing well thank you for your work 


Hey author-nim! I love ur book and just wanted to remind u to breathe once in a while!! Also, I'm kinda in need for feedback for this jikook ff I'm writing and I thought that maybe a pro like u could help? It's ok if u say no, my story is probably not good lol, but it would mean a lot if u checked it out! It's called Sudden Affection........ Selfish things aside, thank you for the great work you do!!❤


I have read ur book in a single night  but it was worth it..... Could please please please make a epilogue, where it tells about there settled careers and lives...or may be even a book 2, cause your writing style is really good and story was amazing not like every other ff


Heyyy!!! I've read almost all of your chapters. I have started writing my first ever book  called  ADDICTED TO YOU and it's about jikook but it'snot getting sufficient views, maybe if you have time, you can check it out.