
Hi! So, some family stuff has come up, so I’ll be a bit busy for a few days. I’ll be back at some point later this week. 


I finished the 91 Days anime, and…. Wow. That’s all I have to say about this. It’s the most amazing, masterfully crafted thing I’ve ever seen. It becomes so much more than just a mafia revenge story and becomes a cautionary tale about hatred. And that ending…. Geez. I’d definitely recommend it. 


I’ll be staying with my maternal grandparents until Tuesday, so I might not be able to update until then. One of my younger brothers does travel baseball, so it’s a lot. They’ll be going out of state, and I’ve managed to wriggle my way out of going. Though I have to take care of my mothers’ dog. I hate that cursed thing…. ANYWAY. I might not update in a bit. Though I usually get left at my home while my grandparents run errands, so I might be able to update. We’ll see.  


You know, has anyone ever read Roald Dahl’s adult stories? The man is fricking terrifying. ‘Right Under Our Noses’ was brilliantly twisted. And ‘My Uncle Oswald’ is…. Um…. Yeah. It’s a sex comedy. And turns out ‘snozzberries’ are his word for the male reproductive organs. Way to go, Willy Wonka.