
this message may be offensive
          	So there won't be an update on You Already Signed, Miss A today because I have lost the will to give a fuck sorry, plus I have been busy getting ready to go back to school tomorrow.


Hello Everyone.
          Happy New Year! So following the sorta message I posted a while back I have made a timetable system for these stories and their chapters so it is on a google classroom under the topic of information and the material you need to click on is BritishMissArgentina stories for the timetable now I won't follow this to the exact detail as I do have exams when I go back to school but I will tell you if a story won't have an update. 
          The code to join the classroom is 6eud7dm.


Hello Everyone.
          Happy Holidays! I haven't been doing much in a while because of school and stuff but I am in the process of creating something that you will all be able to see a timetable if you will to see when what story should be updated and I will alert you if it isn't going to have an update and alert you if a new story is coming.


So. I need help. I came up with this idea somehow which in my brain is my head cannon. So we all know that Delia canonically was a model, right? And for some reason my mind instantly went to that for a while she did some like modelling for Playboy. Don’t ask why. Who made me think of this? I don’t know. What I do know is that I like the idea and that it may be hinted at in a new story soon. BUT CAN SOMEONE PLEASE SEND ME TO THERAPY!


@ BritishMissArgentina  shall do should I warn everyone 


@bebleguse Send me too the Netherworld. I wanna meet Miss Argentina


@ BritishMissArgentina  there is no help I'm so sorry we must kill you 