
Hey! I was wondering if you were ever going to continue Carmen and your other stories. I’ve read them at least 4 times each. If you don’t want to continue them please tell us. I don’t mind but if you could just let us know you’re done with it and mark it as complete.


Your stories are amazing! Thank you so much for writing them, I love them so much that I can't put it into words! :D


@CoconutKoala Aww! You're so very welcome! ;D I love writing these stories about little Hamish. <3 And thank YOU for leaving such lovely comments and making my day over and over again! *grins*


I feel really bad that I've read both your stories a million times yet I haven't followed you... BUT I AM NOW 


@SonicReader11 Aww! Don't even worry about it! =) I've loved reading your comments, by the way. I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to replying to them until now! Thank you for such sweet support! =)


@TolkienLewis I hope to update next week! I have finals this week, and am cramming (shame on me for being a procrastinator!). But I do hope that once on Christmas break I'll be able to have a chance to breath and sit down and put out a few chapters. =) I'm so sorry about the wait between updates! I always feel terrible! And I miss writing about little Hame. =)


I'd proudly say that your stories are simply beautiful! And I'm happy to follow you :D


@BringMeBackToEarth You deserve it anyway.  Keep up the great heart-warming work ;)


Aww! Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I've had a very "Monday" Monday, and your comment has made it much better! =D Thank you very much for such a kind comment. =)


please tell me that you haven't finished writting the stories of because he was alone and carmen!! I love them!


Oh my goodness, no! ;D I love writing them! Unfortunately, homework and school have other plans. *Sighs* And I'm so sorry that you guys have to wait because of it. I'm hoping to get to write some this week/weekend, but school is just awful! =/ I sincerely apologize for the wait in updates! But I promise I will try to get another chapter up for both very soon! =) Thank you so much, as well! You're always so kind, and your comments never fail to put a smile on my face. =)


I love your story soooooooooooo much, i cant help but read it over multiple times just because I love it so much, its like my new reading drug im addicted to your story(♡~♥)


Aww! Well thank you! Thank you so much! Oh my goodness, that was so sweet to say, and you have made my day by saying it. =D Thank you!


Hey so I was wondering, you inspired me to make a fanfiction about Sherlock's son and I would love it if I could use the name Hamish. I know you thought of it so I was wondering if I could use it in the story I'm making. I really LOVE your story on Sherlock an Hamish though. 


*So. With a capital "S." =)


Hey there! so sorry for the late response! And yeah, of course, that would be totally fine with me! It's been used quite a bit before, so yeah, totally go for it! Good luck, by the way—I'm sure it will be awesome! (And I must say, I'm quite flattered, thank you so much!)