
Guys , im back for a while because i just got my account back and remembered my pass ... Sorry for the inconvinience!!
          	And now my phone will be snatched by my mom  ......


Hello HungryWRITRESS!
          Since you are following me I would just like to tell you what I’ve been up to. Right now I have two books published: The Man In The Clouds & Coming Out. Both of them have a only couple chapters published in them, but I have plenty more written. 
          You see, I don’t like publishing a new chapter when the previous one has 0 reads. I want to feel like someone is receiving my work.
          Enough about that, I’m also working on some poetry that I’ll start posting after I complete writing my two already existing books. 
          I hope you have a good evening/day/night/morning/whenever you read this!


Thank you so much! If there’s anything that you ever need just ask!


@sophia-lorraine ill support you! ^_^ *thumbs up* 