
For my new Six of Crows fan fic  i need to cast Jesper fahey's father and heres what ive come up with.
          	Liam Neeson
          	(He just seems like such a good role i dont know just a feeling)
          	Jake gyllenhaal
          	(Also seems like a good role he is written as a bit strict in my book)
          	neil patrick harris
          	(He is tall and skinny like jesper so i feel like this would make sense but Colm Fahey is supposed to be ginger and Mr.Neil Patrick Harris is blond i believe)
          	Anyways can someone please help me decide


For my new Six of Crows fan fic  i need to cast Jesper fahey's father and heres what ive come up with.
          Liam Neeson
          (He just seems like such a good role i dont know just a feeling)
          Jake gyllenhaal
          (Also seems like a good role he is written as a bit strict in my book)
          neil patrick harris
          (He is tall and skinny like jesper so i feel like this would make sense but Colm Fahey is supposed to be ginger and Mr.Neil Patrick Harris is blond i believe)
          Anyways can someone please help me decide