
Merry Christmas everyone and happy holidays to those who don’t celebrate it. Have a great day x


Sup whoever comes across this,
          I’m Lee! I hope you’re here because you like my writing, if not that’s cool- all are welcome. Please read, like and comment on my stories. Any advice is helpful and appreciated! 
          If you need any advice feel free to comment on my board or DM me. Whether the advice you need may be about how to write or whether it be on how to work out your sexuality and gender or even if you just need someone to talk to. 
          If you suffer from mental health and need help also feel free to message me.
          Have a fantastic day. Remember, you’re special and important. Every failure leaves a mark on this world leading to your success; if we didn’t smash phones all the time we wouldn’t cause major phone companies such as Apple to want to try and build scratch proof phones.