
Alright if anyone is still even active on my account. I need some advice. Would you rather see some stories I write even though they’re not  reader inserts or OCs or would you rather inserts and OCs? 


@GARRAoftheDESSERT  the first option. so no inserts.


New story coming out tonight! This will be a OC reader and will be inspired by another Author that I will mention in the book itself. It will be switched up from the original and will be and OC x either an SMP member ( yeah I’m not ashamed of it!) or of Gaara from Naruto. I may make them separate books though! Thank you! 


Also give me your input. Which OC x Character would you wanna read?


Alright guys, I’m back and better than ever! Please request in my new one shots book or give me suggestions for other one shots! I will also continue to work on my old stories. Thank you for putting up with me through this long wait!


Guys I’m legit about to cry. The laptop I was starting to use to write ‘Broken love’, now won’t let me access google. So until Christmas I’m basically screwed. I just wanted to write this to let you all know I’m not dead, my laptop just hates my guts! I do wish to be back writing by New Years, but I’m kinda betting my luck on Christmas. Sorry y’all’s. 
          Author~Chan out!


Hey y’all’s. After I finish ‘Broken Love’ I’m going to be making the next two-three books X-OC’s because I wanna try them out and my Oc is basically who I wish I was in real life. But I’ll still do all your requests for me weather the request you give are OCs or X-Readers just maybe not immediately. Here’s the coming next’s:
          Dabi x Hanahaki!Reader (BNHA)
          Gaara x Jinchuriki! OC (NARU)
          Greed x OC (FMAB)
          Thanks. The list may change and if you want I can notify you all if it does. If not than it’ll just be a long term surprise. 


Hey guys, sorry for the bad news, but my laptop that I use to write is over 10 years old and it recently updated and kicked me out of it. So as of the moment I’m gonna have to post pone the next chapter until tomorrow it Tuesday at most. Thanks, and Sorry for the inconvenience!
          Hope you understand. If not that’s perfectly fine. 