
Fact #2
          	What is my my most prized collection? 
          	My most prized collection would have to be my crystals. From my black onyx to my rose quartz each one of them have meaning to me and help me in many different ways. 


Going to try something new while I work on new chapters, I want my followers/readers to know who I am and why I write and what motivates me to write so every once in a while I'll post a fact about me. Feel free to ask me anything you want! 
          **What is my proudest accomplishment? 
          ××I would have to say my proudest accomplishment would be when I finally was able to ride my horse bareback and no bridle. Before I got her she was very skittish and anxiety ridden and could not focus on one thing. After working with her on the ground for many months, I just decided to hop on her back and she stood perfectly still with no signs of anxiety anywhere. I could never forget that bond that I had with her in that moment 


I'm so excited! I have a Bluetooth retro typewriter arriving today and I can't wait to use it!


You totally should! 


@BooksbyMack that's awesome! I've been thinking about getting the typewriter one for my phone for when I'm on the go, I just haven't yet! 


@authorvgdeluca yep! it connects to my tablet and it looks and sounds just like a typewriter! i might take a video of it later and post it on twitter