There are no words i could say about my self that truly express what i'm like in all honesty.
I am a loud person when with my friends
I am a shy person when it comes to new people i don't know why just am
I would rather be curled up in bed with a good book and a cup of tea
I have two little people who drive me crazy but love them dearly.
So i have kind of come out of my shell with the writing thing.
If you want to know more about me message i would love to share :)
or you can Kik me Just PM for my user name
I have a profile with my best friend it is @TwoGirlsWithAStory
You should also check out my best friend's profile shes got awesome stories
I also have a joint account with the lovelies @The3Pervs
  • Locked Out Of Heven
  • Дата регистрацииDecember 15, 2011


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Истории от BookJunkE08
Dream: The Story of Her от BookJunkE08
Dream: The Story of Her
This is a story about a girl who got pregnant young and what she felt and went through
Ehh от BookJunkE08
3 Списка для чтения