
Hey guys!! I know it's been like over a month that I posted but I just uploaded a new chapter^^


@UwUstageO awii thank youuu ^^


@BokuAkaisworld I missed you so much bruh QwQ

MelodyHoneyMoon I have an idea for a Future fic...Akaashi likes bokuto but bokuto doesn't know then Akaashi ends up heartbroken and finds a New guy and the moment Akaashi got a boyfriend bokuto knew he was in love with him
          So tries to win his heart again or something...


Hey guys! ⚠️Please read this⚠️
          Not sure if you noticed it, but I didn't post last week and I probably will not post this week either. I've been getting more and more hate via private messages for my book (no, they do not have constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement, they're just plain hate comments, and I will obviously not expose anyone here). 
          So I decided to look over each chapter and edit them, erase grammer/spelling mistakes and make them more likeable to read.
          I'd appreciate it if you could leave constructive criticism instead comments like, and I quote, "[...] shitty book that deserves no reads, nor votes. [...]"
          I know they're only a handful of comments like this but I'm someone who takes comments like this really really personal and let them influence me. 
          But thankfully, the majority of comment I get are positiv and sweet which I really really appreciate^_^
          I'll upload as soon as possible for you guys!! (this week, no later than next week)
          Love you guys!


@BokuAkaisworld How can they say that UwU Have they even read MY books, there the worst, I Published some chapters of like 10 books and got no reads exept me and some people I begged for days, Ur book is real good!


@BokuAkaisworld I love your writing sadly I don't have enough time to go back and edit to help you but I will leave you nice notes when I read your chapters (when you write again) don't believe there hate darling there just jealous of your talent love <3


Ok so I have a Reeeeeaaaaalllly dumb request but I thought it was funny if you could take one here (Unless you prefer the comments of the BokuAka one shots)


@ BoxofHoliness2  nooo hahaha you didn't I just forgot to reply I'm sorry. I added your idea to my list


Oh no I think I've traumatized you...


@BokuAkaisworld So, Bokuto either comes home one day or he’s visiting Akaashi, and he looks worried and Akaashi asks “are you ok?” And Bokuto starts talking in a King Julian voice, extra is that he threatens Akaashi to talk in a mort voice with a Jersey of his ☺️