
I feel so empty for weeks now. Like there something constantly missing in my life.


@ BohemianRoses  actually I stopped praying some months ago, just lost motivation fully and also felt like i was sinning too much so it was kinda hypocritical if I prayed at the same time. I'm gonna try and start again, Thank u sooo much for the advice ❤


I felt that way for a while too. So I began doing everything to keep me busy...and it was still the same. So I did what I'd been neglecting, I began to pray. Yes, I'd always been praying all five prayers, but I really began to put my time and thought into it. I found that it really helps. Also, spend time with family. Read books that you love. Sleep and exercise, because those always help 


Coucou, je t’envoie ce message, car une amie et moi écrivons une fiction . Pour le moment , il n’y a que 24 chapitres pour le moment. Cela sera de la Newromance avec un passé  un peu Dark (mais sans exagérations)  pour les personnages.  Pourrais tu aller jeter un coup d’œil à notre fiction «Black attraction » et si tu aimes , pourrais-tu simplement y jeter un coup d’oeil? Ça serait tellement gentil. ❤️’
           Elle est sur Wattpad. je comprends tout à fait si ce message te vexe. Je sais qu’en général, les gens n’aiment pas recevoir des messages de pub. Ce n’est pas mon but :) 
          Mais si jamais ça t’intéresse, voici le lien : sur le compte @mdreamer21 sur wattpad :) 


I feel so empty for weeks now. Like there something constantly missing in my life.


@ BohemianRoses  actually I stopped praying some months ago, just lost motivation fully and also felt like i was sinning too much so it was kinda hypocritical if I prayed at the same time. I'm gonna try and start again, Thank u sooo much for the advice ❤


I felt that way for a while too. So I began doing everything to keep me busy...and it was still the same. So I did what I'd been neglecting, I began to pray. Yes, I'd always been praying all five prayers, but I really began to put my time and thought into it. I found that it really helps. Also, spend time with family. Read books that you love. Sleep and exercise, because those always help 