


Just added a crucial paragraph to the last chapter of SPLOOSH, after cleaning it up substantially over the last days.
          I have been neglecting my writings due to other projects, but another chapter of The Harlequin Box is past due, so stand by.


Just posted a third chapter. It solidly sets the stage for how bad their mental health is. But imagine having your home burn down and most of your family with it. If you weren't a little nuts, you'd have to be crazy, eh?
          I just published "Back to Not-Home" of my story "The Harlequin Box".


Hey, folks. Those of you who have read The Three Disgraces and Allison's Long Weekend might have wondered when I would publish more about the mysterious Harlequin. 
          The beginning of the story, of how and why and what and to whom will begin ... soon.


Finally! For some reason, this was a difficult chapter to write; possibly due to speaking of some of our darker bits. But write what you know, eh?
          I just published "Trustworthy Seconds" of my story "SPLOOSH".


I get my ideas from the news. I really don't need to  punch it up, puking on devices is bad for them. I am usually describing things as they would appear on something like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad. Splatter doesn't fit unless it's part of the story. Unlike actual crime, sex and violence have to make sense as part of the narrative. 
          How do you explain this?

          This guy seems to have been smarter about his shakedowns than my fictional villain.
          And this Kansas City Guy bet on the racist dismissal of community concerns. Thankfully, a citizen got involved.

          You don't need to be  a superheroine to make a difference. You don't even need to carry a gun. Just be willing to get involved & believe women of all colors when they report violence and sexual assault.
          I just published "I Get My Ideas From The News" of my story "A Deserving Victim".