
Okay, for a future story idea, I need you guys to pick between these three characters.
          	1) Heisei Godzilla
          	2)GMK Godzilla
          	3) Zilla JR.
          	(I have not updated my stories recently and I would like to apologize. Writers block has been hitting me hard and trying to put words down is nearly impossible. I will do my best to start chugging along again because writing is what I love)


Okay, for a future story idea, I need you guys to pick between these three characters.
          1) Heisei Godzilla
          2)GMK Godzilla
          3) Zilla JR.
          (I have not updated my stories recently and I would like to apologize. Writers block has been hitting me hard and trying to put words down is nearly impossible. I will do my best to start chugging along again because writing is what I love)


Please update ur vampire in the garden story it looks so good already


I'll try to update my Vampire in the Garden story at Wednesday. I've been trying to find time to update all of my stories and i have so many ideas, but it's hard to out it all on paper


Hey anything to help a fellow fan of akame ga kill 


@johnwick64 Thank you very much.


After looking through all the votes, it has been decided. The vote are as follows.
          Titanfall: 1
          JoJo: 0
          For Honor: 2
          Metal Gear: 3
          I'm sorry if these weren't the results you wanted, but next time around it will only be the three that were voted out. Have a good one.


Update! It is now 3-3 with For Honor v. Metal Gear


Hey everyone. I had started watch The Owl House recently and thought it was pretty good. It has given me many ideas for stories, but I can't decide which one I want to go with. I have an idea for Metal Gear Rising, For Honor, JoJo, and Titanfall. So I'm leaving it up to democracy. Tell me which one you think I should do and I will work on it eventually.


@Bo11ii11 as much as I love titanfall, I'd prefer a MGR story.