
Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank you again for following me! I have a few new followers so a big welcome to them! I just posted a new book called "Like You For Always". Its' a story about a stereotypical "crazy cat lady" and how she became a crazy cat lady. The story has just begun but it will be emphasizing the importance of loving yourself and not relying on romantic relationships to give you happiness. 
          	I also wanted to update everyone on my story "Hidden Letters". It has been on hold for over a month now. Tomorrow I will be posting a new chapter.
          	And of course, I will still be updating "Beau" consistently although I will be transitioning to weekly updates. 
          	Thank you all for your support! Enjoy the stories and please consider voting for the chapters at the end! I always enjoy feedback so feel free to comment as well.


Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank you again for following me! I have a few new followers so a big welcome to them! I just posted a new book called "Like You For Always". Its' a story about a stereotypical "crazy cat lady" and how she became a crazy cat lady. The story has just begun but it will be emphasizing the importance of loving yourself and not relying on romantic relationships to give you happiness. 
          I also wanted to update everyone on my story "Hidden Letters". It has been on hold for over a month now. Tomorrow I will be posting a new chapter.
          And of course, I will still be updating "Beau" consistently although I will be transitioning to weekly updates. 
          Thank you all for your support! Enjoy the stories and please consider voting for the chapters at the end! I always enjoy feedback so feel free to comment as well.


Hi there! I read the first chapter of your story titled "Blurry Lines". I've been going around new authors' works to try reading and supporting them as I am a new writer as well. I liked the blurb of your story and checked the book out, I think I will be frequently visiting your story. Looking forward to more chapters! Happy writing ヾ(≧▽≦*)o


@lunaaris Hi Lunaaris, I just wanted to check in and see if you had finished reading Blurry Lines and what you thought? I'm currently writing the sequel "Beau" so if you enjoyed it please check out the sequel :)


@BlushingBelle that would be nice. I'll be sure to check out for some updates ^_^


@lunaaris thank you for checking out my book! I update every other day or so. I should have a new chapter up pretty soon. 