
You know, I'm in that point in time where I'm not completely sure what I want to do anymore. 
          	I miss people, but I don't think they miss me. I used to have all these people on here that I used to roleplay with, and now I barely hear from any of them or not at all. I understand being busy, but it doesn't take over a year for you to answer somebody? I put my time and effort into someone only not to get the same effort in return. I thought these people were my friends, and I now feel like they were not. You don't leave your friend hanging for months or years on end. I think I'm going to leave, Wattpad isn't it for me anymore. Too many memories and just feeling like I don't belong anymore. I'm 21 years old, maybe it's time to move on from here at least. I still roleplay, but what's the point when it takes the other forever to respond to me. It's just a waste of time. 
          	As of right now, I'm still here. I hope everyone is well. I'm just tired. 


You know, I'm in that point in time where I'm not completely sure what I want to do anymore. 
          I miss people, but I don't think they miss me. I used to have all these people on here that I used to roleplay with, and now I barely hear from any of them or not at all. I understand being busy, but it doesn't take over a year for you to answer somebody? I put my time and effort into someone only not to get the same effort in return. I thought these people were my friends, and I now feel like they were not. You don't leave your friend hanging for months or years on end. I think I'm going to leave, Wattpad isn't it for me anymore. Too many memories and just feeling like I don't belong anymore. I'm 21 years old, maybe it's time to move on from here at least. I still roleplay, but what's the point when it takes the other forever to respond to me. It's just a waste of time. 
          As of right now, I'm still here. I hope everyone is well. I'm just tired. 


I might leave Wattpad, who knows. It's not the same anymore. 
          How is everyone. 


@Foxcraft23 I messaged you, and realized I didn't tag you. Sorry honey. 


            Exactly, like why? You had more customers before you decided to make people pay for everything. 
            I'm okay, tired! 


@Bluethunderwolf22 I feel you with that, I've started to move all my fics to AO3. It's sad to see how a site that got me through highschool/Middle School is switching to "pay-per-view" on the good stuff.... Anyways I'm good wbu


Would anyone possibly like to roleplay? I don't know what, just something. 


I’d be down if you’re still up for it!


Anyone alive?


@Midnightwolf- oh wow. It's been awhile. Yes, I am. 


hi blue are you still around ?? 


I hate it when I roleplay with someone for a long time and then they end up leaving and then when they come back they don't want to roleplay anymore. 


@Bluethunderwolf22 well tbh I did that however I let everyone know I was no longer doing it. Didn't have time and other stuff in my life was going on so I didn't want to commit to roleplaying when I couldn't. Don't be mad at the person, be mad at the situation but you don't know what someone's going through. 