
HEY GUYS, so sorry I've been inactive for all of 2020. I'm going to put a pause on Freeze and Aspen's story because I'm really not happy with it. Perhaps I'll re-write later, but there's no joy or ideas sprouting from her now. And I am SO SORRY to all those who loved the story, who knows, maybe I'll find it to finish it. 
          	BUT I started a new story, Battlefire, and I really have a good idea of the plot and characters I want. PLEASE give it a chance, I have 2 chapters. Let me know if you guys are interested in me continuing it!


@BlueeKisses have really enjoyed your Iversson series. Don’t give up on Freeze, ideas will come! You wrote it such a way that you can continue on so many different avenues and we are all excited to see when you continue the adventure


@BlueeKisses you know Freeze was also good...i would have to love to see in published or a movie on it..but it's okay we(readers) understand....and WELCOME! continue with your work and shower us readers with your beautiful works and I will read Battlefire..but keep going...;)


Hey gurl, can I just say I love your series. It is amazing, but you can leave me hanging like that! Does Aspen end up with Demari or Dakota? Is there gonna be another war? Is she gonna go inane? I NEED answers or I'll go as inane as those Westley's!!


Heyyy author i hope you're doing good. I loved the freeze novel series and really looking forward to your update. But i wanted to say something. Recently I've come across a story that looks kinda Same to yours one. So, if you want to check it out, I'm giving the link of that book below. Please go and check it out, if that ones exact same or just the storyline nd theme is same as yours.
          Have an amazing day. Lots of love from India. ❤️❤️


Hey , i love this story . I am sooo curious to know what happens next , what happens to Dakota , what happens to Dimitri and their relationship. What happens to the war and the darkness that's coming , oh and what happens to James. 
          This is an amazing story , please update. 
          There are a thousand people out there who are waiting for you to update. Please update , i Know you can do it . 
          I hope you and your family are doing good .
          Sending love