
Hey y’all, so sorry if I haven’t been posting anything lately It’s just because I’ve been very stressed out lately about school again and I also play softball and I have a pretty busy weekend ahead of me and I won’t be posting a lot as much as usual I could’ve posted on Christmas break, but that was my time to spend time with my family so I was barely on my phone as much but I’m sorry that I haven’t posted anything. I will try to post something soon because I am working on the chapters still and the bios but sometimes I stop between the middle a little bit most of the time and sorry that this message hasn’t gone out yet, but now it is but overall I am so sorry and I will try to post as much as I can until the school year is over and possibly when I’m done with softball but that’s all y’all. I just wanted to get this message out so you all know what’s happening so have a good night or day and I’ll see you all later bye. ❤️


I was wondering when you'll update your rainbow eyes demon slayer story


Yeah I’m still working on it I was so busy with my other stories trying to finish them but I’m still working on it don’t worry and it will probably be out next Sunday or Saturday if I get the time again sorry to keep you waiting on that post



I can’t because Bio’s take a long time to do and I have to do their history and stuff and there abilitles and like I said I’m not doing the hulk one but I will get the Symbiote one done when I get to it but don’t worry I will work on it when I get the change I hope you can understand and I already did the cover for it the symbiote one   


            You can prepare these two stories tomorrow ?! 


Child friends venom : 
          ADA Wong ( Re2 remake) adoptive mother)
          Leon ( Re6) uncle) 
          Jill valentine ( favourite aunt) Re3 remake)
          Claire redfield ( Re2 remake) 
          Chris redfield ( Re village)
          MIA winters ( Re village)
           Teen Rose winters ( Re shadow of rose)
          Felicia hardy 
          Child Hulk 2008
          Enemies of child : 
          Green goblin 
          Dr octavius 
          King pin 
          Mr negative 
          Riot venom 
          Anti venom  
          Kraven and the hunters 
          Inner demons 


            The child has the clothes and powers of Venom Spider Man 2 PS5, but like Venom 2018, he is a strong and powerful superhero. Also, so that no one is afraid of the child's appearance, the child can transform himself into the human form of black suit spider man 2 ps5. Also, the child has the ability to travel in time and fly and other powers and can travel to the past or the future and different worlds and once he traveled to the world of child Hulk 2008, crossover and these two sometimes unite to save their world. 


Ok things for the information^^


Hello. I love you stories 


@HoumanMv yeah I can work with those. I just have to figure out what their backstory/history will be so for the Boruto mothers Is it like oneshots or a story 


And I’m sorry again that I can’t make the first book:(


@HoumanMv OK so I’m sorry to tell you this, but I won’t be doing the first one that you wanted me to do because I don’t really do Oneshot books if you want me to do or you just want to story then yeah that’s fine but I don’t really see how it’s going to play out And I don’t really see it in my head, but I will do the second and third one because I already have like 33 drafts because I’m still working on all of my other books so I’m going to have to like bring it down if that’s OK with you I’m sorry that I can’t make the first one that you want, but please understand writing is a lot harder than it looks and typing but there’s still great ideas


          Can you do a Ninjago x Female! Mei Dragon! Reader?
          The reader’s element can be like Mei’s dragon power.
          And the reader can use the Samadhi Fire in Season 3.
          Also,I think Kai would be a good love interest to the reader because his element is fire. 
          The reader can be Mei and Red Son’s daughter?
          But if you don’t want to do it,I’m okay with that.


Yeah sure but I’m still working on my other story’s so i’m gonna be able to get to it, but I will when I do but yeah sure


Hey y’all, so sorry if I haven’t been posting anything lately It’s just because I’ve been very stressed out lately about school again and I also play softball and I have a pretty busy weekend ahead of me and I won’t be posting a lot as much as usual I could’ve posted on Christmas break, but that was my time to spend time with my family so I was barely on my phone as much but I’m sorry that I haven’t posted anything. I will try to post something soon because I am working on the chapters still and the bios but sometimes I stop between the middle a little bit most of the time and sorry that this message hasn’t gone out yet, but now it is but overall I am so sorry and I will try to post as much as I can until the school year is over and possibly when I’m done with softball but that’s all y’all. I just wanted to get this message out so you all know what’s happening so have a good night or day and I’ll see you all later bye. ❤️