
Sorry for not updating on The Lost Wolf Pup. I promise I will try to update you as soon as possible! I wanted to ask you guys to go and look at a new story called The Game! It's a group project that we are very excited about and we hope you give it a try!


We are so excited to write it! - Wingless 


Sorry for not updating on The Lost Wolf Pup. I promise I will try to update you as soon as possible! I wanted to ask you guys to go and look at a new story called The Game! It's a group project that we are very excited about and we hope you give it a try!


We are so excited to write it! - Wingless 


Finals are finally over but it seems I have another obstacle to overcome. I have the next chapters planned out but at the same time, I still don't have everything. So that being said I have writer's block. Still, I'm going to try and outline it more and see if I can get everything lined up the way I want it to be. Thank you all for being so patient! I will try to finish my book by the end of this week or next week!


So I said that I would repost werewolf high in March. Clearly that didn’t happen. I plan to repost it once I finish the most wolf pup so that werewolf high is my main priority. I plan on working hard on the lost wolf pup and finishing it before December. Hopefully I complete it earlier than that but life happens. I thank everyone again for being so patient with me and I’m so sorry for taking so long to finish The Lost Wolf Pup. 


My stories will be postponed until I am finished with summer school. Not only that but I have other things going on in life that prevent me from having a straight enough mindset to know exactly what I’m writing and if it’s good enough for my book I’ve worked so hard on. I thank everyone who read my stories and follow me for sticking with me and my books. 


@BlueFire0408  I'm new to wattpad and I know you said you would start up again in march, but one of the very first stories that I was introduced to was yours on wattpad. They recommended you to me becuase they knew you were really good. And wattpad only recommends the best, so for you to be on my recommendations list, that says something.


Hey guys...I’m going to stop writing for a bit....I’m extremely depressed right now and I’m going through some things...I might start writing in March...but I don’t know yet....thanks to those who read my books....sorry you don’t get to continue them for awhile....


I’ll try my best to post but because of school I’m stressed and I probably won’t post as much. I’ll try to post on weekends but other than that I’ll rarely post during the week since I have homework and other things I have to do