
this message may be offensive
Rest in peace Technoblade. 
          	You were my comfort streamer, and I always loved watching your videos at 3:00 a.m. 
          	Rn I wanna tell to his friends, family and fans that this is difficult, I know, but we all just need to remember him.
          	I had this feeling of void less than a month ago with mum's death, and live this shit again is very didficult. But we need to think that he's in a better place 


this message may be offensive
Rest in peace Technoblade. 
          You were my comfort streamer, and I always loved watching your videos at 3:00 a.m. 
          Rn I wanna tell to his friends, family and fans that this is difficult, I know, but we all just need to remember him.
          I had this feeling of void less than a month ago with mum's death, and live this shit again is very didficult. But we need to think that he's in a better place 


Hello babes
          Okay, today at school was incredibly boring (more than usual) so I used my math class and my law class to search some MCR memes and I decided to publish a book when I will share my wisdom with you my dear. 
          I have more than 50 photos of them >:)


@S0ftN1ghtm4r3 * more than 500, sorry I'm dumb