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You know when I was little I always thought my parents were soul mates. We,being my mom, me and my sister are getting the house ready to sell,so we can move and build our own home some places away from people, but we can't sell the house yet because my dad will get half of the profit. And guess what, and it's going to sound fucked that I say this but,my mom is leaving my dad, and I couldn't be happier, I know it sounds bad but if you knew him,you would understand. But I'm happy, because I don't love him anymore because he's a bitch and hurts me mom,not physically but mentally, and me to he hurts me. SO GUESS WHAT, WE ARE LEAVING THIS ASS HOLE IN THE PAST!!! AND IM PUMPED! He has caused me so much mental health issues and he ain't going to be causing any more soon. I know I sound evil but I can't help it,I'm finally getting away.


@Rebecaramirez2020 Well, good night. And thank you too.


@BloodBath297 Thank you ❤️ That's very sweet of you  I hope  the same thing for you and your family. All the best for you And Goodnight its 10:20 soo I gotta sleep and even more since I have to wake up at 6:30


@Rebecaramirez2020 also, you grammar is just fine. I think you did a great job at it, because the English language is so confusing.


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You know when I was little I always thought my parents were soul mates. We,being my mom, me and my sister are getting the house ready to sell,so we can move and build our own home some places away from people, but we can't sell the house yet because my dad will get half of the profit. And guess what, and it's going to sound fucked that I say this but,my mom is leaving my dad, and I couldn't be happier, I know it sounds bad but if you knew him,you would understand. But I'm happy, because I don't love him anymore because he's a bitch and hurts me mom,not physically but mentally, and me to he hurts me. SO GUESS WHAT, WE ARE LEAVING THIS ASS HOLE IN THE PAST!!! AND IM PUMPED! He has caused me so much mental health issues and he ain't going to be causing any more soon. I know I sound evil but I can't help it,I'm finally getting away.


@Rebecaramirez2020 Well, good night. And thank you too.


@BloodBath297 Thank you ❤️ That's very sweet of you  I hope  the same thing for you and your family. All the best for you And Goodnight its 10:20 soo I gotta sleep and even more since I have to wake up at 6:30


@Rebecaramirez2020 also, you grammar is just fine. I think you did a great job at it, because the English language is so confusing.


I'm watching Andy Griffith with my sister and mom and we have seen it before but god,the more I see it the masochistic and sexist Barney gets. I get it's a old show but BARNEY WOMEN ARE NOT JUST EMOTIONAL ALL THE TIME! IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE CHEATING ON VELMA LEW! I also don't know how he got all of those women, he is not cute.


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I just got stabbed by the safety pin,but I finally fucking found it.


@TommyInnitAndDSMPfan Always makes getting stabbed a little more fun.


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I have a small problem, their is a open safety pin in my bed and I can't find it. It's not on the floor and I took a fridge magnet and dragged it across my bed, what the hell do I do! I am not in the mood to be stabbed. I swear I can not find this little shit. And if it stabs me I will lose my shit, I have State testing next week and I have really bad testing anxiety, I can't handle this. It so small and incredibly not important why does this bother me!??


@TommyInnitAndDSMPfan Well,I know I have two of those things, so maybe?


Idk ADHD, Anxiety or maybe OCD??


I find that I joke about my trauma, and then people look at me like I'm the weird one. And I'm always like, "Well atlest I got a funny personal out of is,right guys?", But they never laugh. They just sit there.


@TommyInnitAndDSMPfan Yes, I have been in that situation many times before, but I guess it's ok for me because I don't trust people very easily so losing is normally the best choice. But that look,it's always the same, it doesn't matter who it is,it's always the exact same look.


I joke abt my trauma to and ppl just give me weird looks and ask if I’m okay I’m just like “Yh I’m fine.” When rlly I’m hiding my tears.


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Tw talk of sh
          Bro,apparently my mind doesn't want me to get better,I had a dream last nightand i selfharmd in it,and it almost triggered a relapses... I'm 4 weeks clean, like bitch give me a fucking break.


@Noxelaty Thank you, you're very kind. And don't worry about having to check up on me(not to sound weird I'm how to word it) I just saw my phone. Only because my school is virtual and there website shut down... This happens to much for them to not know what is going on,like bro this should not happen this much!?


@BloodBath297  so sorry I couldn't help I was in school and just checked my socials for the first time today :( I hope you feel a bit better now and if not just remember you can always talk to people (even me my dm's are open for anyone) you can do it I believe in you <3


Anytime homie


Ok,can I just say I don't like it when people ask me what my favorite color is. It's a simple question but it's to much for me, I like green, but only a specific shade of it,and then there is red... Not bright red but like the color of blood, but if I tell people that they say it's "weird" but if I just say red.they think it's because of my hair. And then there's brown a color that can go with any thing, but people say it's also "weird", like " NO YOU'RE WEIRD SHARON!!! " . And I love black in white, it's simple, but people are always like "Well black and white are technically not colors, so look pick a different one." And it angers me because I know, I have been doing art my whole life, AND YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT??! I have to much anxiety to give answer to that question, what of I just don't have a favorite color? I don't even know who I am, or what I will be. How do people expect !e to answer that?


@Noxelaty I'm so glad someone agrees with me, and ikr why do they exist???? Like I like too many colors to pick just one.


@BloodBath297  omg I also hate that question. 1st why are "favorite colors" even a thing??? second like HOW AM I MEANT TO CHOOSE?? I always say red because it's a basic answer and they won't question me lol 


God,why do men think it's ok to tell a 14 year old girl to smile?! He looked like he was 50! "Smile your out of school" then when we got to the register "you should smile more,you would better". I can't even go to family dollar with out a weird man saying something about my looks! Like bitch,you're 50! Don't make comments on girls looks! I wanted to punch him, he was so creepy. I was get pads and the worker there says THAT! God,I hate being a woman sometimes. I'm scared, what will it be like when I'm older?


@Noxelaty it's ok. Also I'm sorry that you get made fun of. And I do wish I told that older man of,I've got fourteen years of pint up anger, and I just need to find the right person to unleash it on,lol. And yes I try not to let others words bother me,but his just made me feel gross. I am glad that I'll probably never see him again because he was just a random person. <3. Have a nice day. But also how are you doing? You ok,I just want to make sure you're doing good :)


@BloodBath297  before anything I am sorry for not being online As much. anyways. I honestly don't know because I never get comments like that (maybe because I only get made fun of?)but I can imagine how awful that must feel. its definitely not ok and you should tell people that even if they might not listen (atleast As long it is safe) but I think the older a person gets the better they learn to deal with stuff like that even though that is sad. always remember you shouldn't let Other people's words affect you even if it is hard. you are so much more even if they say something else <3


Guess whos father isn't coming home tonight?! And I'm scared because he's drunk as hell and driving, my mom went down to a local bar and he was their making moves on a woman in the bar. He also might need stitches because before he drove away the women told my mom he cut him hand really really deep. I am scared for him,why does he do things like this?


@Noxelaty Thanks, I'll try to talk too my mom about it. You helped just fine btw. <3


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@BloodBath297  truthfully, idk. I wish I could help but idk what to do... I don't really know how your father Acts but maybe try to talk to him?? or don't if you think it is not safe for you. some people "deal" with mental issues like that and those people need professional fuckin help. I always tell people to communicate but I think that is getting old.. maybe you could try to talk to your mother about how you are scared for him and together you could try to do something about it and maybe try to get him some help?? I never had to deal with something like that so maybe I am being really unhelpful but those are the only solutions I can think of right now so sorry if I am not fucking helping <3