
Heyo! Ivan here. I'm finally working on something again. Yay! 
          	Chapter 2 of Cyrus Weasley and the Broken Mind will be out soon. 


Tf you mean Ohio might change DONT LEAVE ME WITH THESE ASSHOLES


Don't know where stuff might be


@ThatFailedKid haha I mean that we move A LOT 


Hello, everyone. This is Grim (otherwise known as Ivan) and I have just been notified that Jess is in a coma. As both of us had been neglecting this account and it was to be shut down some time next year. I'm gonna ahead and leave this page completely. If she turns out to be alright then I'll let her know the page is hers. 
          This is Grim DeVroi officially moving from LifeINtheunderGROUND to @IwA-cHaN-NoTiCe-Me 
          Goodbye my friends. I hope you all stay okay. 
          Never make the mistakes I have.