
Im starting chapter 9 now! wish me luck lolololol!!!


@Blockman810 Does your discord server still exist?


After 3 months of y’all waiting I’m finally starting to write chapter 8 so stay tune (fyi if you get a notification for an “update” its just me going on and off the chapter)


@HDGFT5 welp chapter 8 for drifting stratos is now out so go knock yourself out with this haha! 


@ Blockman810  no pressure you can continue the story you are writting right now and after you finish it you can continue the other one


@HDGFT5 Im honestly 50/50 with it, like I really like what ideas i have for it but trying to write that and also another book at the same time is a pretty big task 


I dont know if anyone is reading this but I wanted to update y’all on Drifting Stratos… well, to get to the point I haven’t abandoned it and don’t plan on doing so. I’ve been having some health problems that haven’t allowed me to continue the story but hopefully by the end of next week I’ll start work on chapter 8 so please be patient!! 


Hey guys its me block, sorry I haven’t released chapter 5 yet but trust me its coming, i’m just having some trouble because it’s basically a “filler” chapter and I have really no idea what to write for this but i got around 1000 words so far and truckin along