
I'm a bit confused㋛︎... I havn't even written abt Tae in the story(except the tag) . How come it's getting ranking on Tae ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...funny.


@BeingLiya and why the hell wattpad doesn't allow emojis annoying☹︎


I don’t know if anyone is reading this but still I need to let my emotions out to somewhere, where no one knows me.Though I'm not sure if I can express myself thoroughly>
          I'm leaving home tomorrow for a new journey.I don’t know if I am happy or not. I've never stayed away from home for a long time in my 18 years of life.So a mixed emotion is messing up my mind. 
          I'm going to start my life as a medical student. I know so many people live for this moment and they'd definitely cherish it, even all the people surrounding me are so happy for me, my bright future but I am feeling so empty. 
          I dreamt of becoming something else.
          Today I have got the biggest lesson in my life that if you don’t turn your dreams into your aim, you can't make it your reality. 
          There's still like 1% chance of fulfilling my dreams probably the last chance and I'm gonna go for it.Maybe I couldn’t make it work but I want give my best.
          Even if after a few years I will be happy with my profession and my life but I will never forget that I dreamt of being something else. And I'll regret so badly if I don’t try my best.
          So if anyone is reading this, I want to say whatever your dream is make it your aim. Start working hard from the very beginning, don’t wait for a perfect time to come.When you will realise that you had time and because of your ignorance you’ve lost it, It'll be too late. Trust me it hurts