
@xXNenexX haha that's okay :)


Thanks so much for reading The Muse. It gives me motivation to keep writing when people are reading. Let me know what you think at the end. :-)


@LadyWinter11  I'm going through the feels but I promise you I really did like it. I loved the character development and them in general, but if I did need to give some constructive criticism, then it would be that it was a little slow paced. I'll be patiently waiting for the sequel :) #teamReuter


Hello. I have to get something off my chest. I'm really disliking this book that i'm currently writing and I can't seem to ignore the feeling of that.
          After reading a lot more books over the past year, I have come to realise I have no idea how to write a book - especially as I want to go down the supernatural route in my books. (I'm very indecisive so i'll probably change my mind about the genre). But I won't regret this decision, trust me.
          I've learned that I need time and planning in order to write a good book that people want to read and take time out of their day to read. I've learned that if you keep you're reader waiting, they are going to get fed up and leave your book, just because you left the story hanging for 3 months. (Which is what I did)
          There's nothing worse then losing passion for your story and the feeling of having no idea where it's going. I've had this feeling for a while and I don't like ignoring it so i'm telling you now.
          Writing a book takes time and effort and time is something I don't have much of right now. My passion is lacking in this book and I can't believe after two years of being on here that I haven't written a book sooner.
          However, I do see books being published on here in the future, but if I do, I'll complete it first. I don't promise that though.
          Right now I have so many things going on in my life and having this book to deal with is starting to feel like a chore, but it shouldn't feel like that at all. It should feel great to be writing a story of your own, especially after reading others books and voting on them. I certainly love reading books and reading the comments on them. It's one of my hobbies.
          So after all that, i've come to the decision, I'm discontinuing Rose Red.
          I hope you can understand my decision because I feel I can write much better.
          I'll prove that in the future.


Thanks for the tip LadyWinter11 :) It's especially hard when you're in college and studying for exams or family stuff going on or general life. With everything, it seems like a chore even more, unless you have a specific plot in your head already that you love. I love writing and I can tell you do too, I can see it in your writing. I have a question: Which boy do you prefer Winter to be with? Personally I want Reuben :) Thanks for posting


I understand what you mean about writing taking time, and enthusiasm. If it feels like a chore it won't turn out well, I know. 
            When I write a book, (I'm up to my 4th), I plan the whole thing and write it down in a passion. Some scenes were the originals in my mind, so I write those out in full but might skip over the connecting bits in a few sentences (filling those out later, of course). Then I separate out what I've written in the plan  into 25 chapters. Then I know what's happening and when. Then I can relax and get started! :-). 
            The details will come as you're writing it. Some chapters might seem short after your first draft but don't worry, the second draft will sort that out. Some chapters will be too long, so they can be split into 2. 
            My first draft mainly focuses on what happens to who and when. 2nd draft is what the characters feel, see and heard (and smelt) and the 3rd draft adds the spice. Eg. The clever sentences and observations.
            Writing a book is daunting if you look at the whole mountain, so just treat it as a series of drafts, and before you know it, you'll be the author of a book.  :-D