
Sooo not to be needy guys. But I also wanted to ask one more question. If I break the fourth wall a bit and you guys see me and what u look like on tumblr or follow me on other socials will that ruin anything for you guys? I want to take my writing more seriously. And want you guys to be apart of it lol. So lmk. There is no wrong answer.


Yayyy okay. I kinda just wanna bridge the gap and as you saw on tumblr I follow back Chile 


@BlackBarbie777 definitely not. That's how I meet one of my bestie years ago was reading her work and we became friends. So it's cool with me. 


Sooo not to be needy guys. But I also wanted to ask one more question. If I break the fourth wall a bit and you guys see me and what u look like on tumblr or follow me on other socials will that ruin anything for you guys? I want to take my writing more seriously. And want you guys to be apart of it lol. So lmk. There is no wrong answer.


Yayyy okay. I kinda just wanna bridge the gap and as you saw on tumblr I follow back Chile 


@BlackBarbie777 definitely not. That's how I meet one of my bestie years ago was reading her work and we became friends. So it's cool with me. 

          Guyssss the tumblr is up 


Okay thanks when I go back in on my computer I’m gonna try and figure it out and fix it. And yes I can use all tips and trips for tumblr because I haven’t been on in ages. So thank you so much! 


See!!! Yall don’t play bout me at all!!. I will let everyone know when I get this tumblr set up how I want so you can follow or repost the stories so I can get a few notes. ALSO seeing all your kind words gave me a little boost so I’m trying to add in a steamy scene to end the chapter and then I’ll post it hopefully by Wednesday.  ~ from love 


Thank you guys the most  my favorites lol


@BlackBarbie777 we ride 4 you always sis ♥️. Our boy a Champion  it's going to make reading the newness 
            Even sweeter and we getting that hotness to. Yes ma'am.  It's a wonderful week ☺️ 


@BlackBarbie777 OH, we definitely don't play bout you!!!!!!! Yesss to the steamy scene, I already know that's going to hit cause you don't miss or leave a crumb for the girls. I can't wait to read first chapter of the summer !!


Good news bad news
          So you guys know I would’ve been posted by now … bad news is Wattpad deleted my chapter that was over 8,000 words about three weeks ago and then I just had writers block because I felt like my hard work went down the drain and personally I just haven’t been myself. Good news is I have a small chapter now I can give yall that it won’t be the best thing I ever written but I started something for you guys a few weeks back. So majority rules talk amongst yourselves lol. And as always thank you guys for so much support!!
          Also this just made me really want to be on tumblr too. So look out for that up date 


@BlackBarbie777 omggg I'm so sorry girl. I'm with the other ladies and think you should use Tumblr as a backup becuse you have build up a great audience on here. Tumblr audience will come naturally and be a just in case wattpad acts up. You will have that security of having it on 2 different platforms. I can't wait to read what you having. We want it no matter what. Can't wait ❤️❤️


Please let us know so we can follow. I don’t have a tumblr I normally just read from a browser but I will make a page to follow you 


First we riding at dawn for you. Man Wattpad be getting on my nerves but I agree to keep posting here and use tumblr as a backup so if Wattpad act up again you have your work posted and saved and hell it could build an audience on there even. Yessssss we want any little or big chapters you have. So sorry this happen sis. 


Guys you can no longer private message on here so if you wanna reach me do it on the page or in the comments. Got stuck writing the chapter also dealing with cramps right now but I’m hoping it’s up soon.☀️


@BlackBarbie777 I think that sounds good. Let me know I will follow you when you make a page but I'm glad your keeping it here.  on Tumblr you can use alot of tags to like black authors tag I know is a big one if you need more I can look up the ones I use to r mead stories and tell you. Can't wait for what you come up with ❤️❤️


@QueenOlivia83 yeah I think I’m gonna make a tumblr and hopefully you guys can get me a few followers up there and I’ll start posting the story and maybe some of my short stories as well.  But I’ll keep Wattpad cause idk how I would go on without this little app. 


@Jayson0TatumLove I thought the sane lmao. This would be a perfect way for her to set boundaries and tell these women she is not playing about her man. Cause who just shows up at someone's house from out of town at that without telling them to see if it's coo they come by. How does she even know where she lives. I have so many questions. Hope we get an update soon. You left us mouths open wide, lol 


I know it’s taking me longer than usual but I’ve been hella busy but I’ll be posting soon guys I promise it’ll be worth it


I’m posting tomorrow guys!! 


@BlackBarbie777 Happy dance. I know when you say it's worth it, it means we in for a good ride. 