
i just want someone to realise what i mean when i say i 'stayed up all night writing letters'..


@Bisexual_Little_Goth honestly, I forgot what I was talking about


@MadalynWebster what do you think i mean, if you dont mind me asking? x


i just want someone to realise what i mean when i say i 'stayed up all night writing letters'..


@Bisexual_Little_Goth honestly, I forgot what I was talking about


@MadalynWebster what do you think i mean, if you dont mind me asking? x


          I'm having a really difficult time with my mental health right now so if anyone has any advice or anything, I would really appreciate it. If you see this, would you mind just taking a few seconds to comment something you enjoy, because I'm looking really hard for a reason to stay and not finding any. 
          What's your favourite inspirational quote? I'll tell you mine- 'Only in the darkness can you see the stars.' I'm not sure what or who it's from, though. I also like 'An arrow has to be pulled backwards before it can fly.' Again though, I'm not sure where it's from.
          And, while I'm here, please remember how much people love and appreciate you. I know it seems kinda ironic when I am struggling to nd here I am telling you to, but please. I'm always, always here if you want to talk, or vent, or you need advice, or you wanna get something off your chest. I won't even reply if you don't want me to, if you just want to be able to write stuff down and not worry about being judged. Please, though, I'm begging you, remember you are not alone. Remember the countless people who care about you, even if you don't know it. You will have made such an amazing impact on so many people's lives by merely just existing, and being there. So remember, it's okay to be selfish sometimes. This world needs you, you are so important. I love you so, so much, even if I don't know you personally. I love you. And, you should love you, too. Xx


@Bisexual_Little_Goth hey believe me, life is hard and i guess it will always be that way. but there are so much beautiful things out there that are worth looking for. my favorite quote is 'a stranger is a friend u didnt meet yet' i dont know who said that but its what makes life interesting. try looking at sunsets and more magical places like forests and mountains. anything! try to make those strangers ur friends. maybe theyre the ones u need. u can hang out with ur other friends but most importantly: talk to people. i know its not easy but it really does help. I hope u will feel better soon and that we will keep on hearing from u. love from a stranger on wattpad <333


@ Bisexual_Little_Goth 
            Happy I could help in some way☀️


Hello darling, I just wanted to say, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. LOVE the pfp and ADORE the bio. You made me feel so sweet today. And also just wanted to say, don’t forget to smile, smell the flowers and autumn leaves and love yourself
          Also that was totally random, sry abt that


@Alinabookshelf Aw, tysm!! I swear, you're gonna make me cry Xx