
To all my followers especially those new ones over the last couple of days, if any of you have a favourite book then please go over to @22Hamilton page and enter your favourite book in The Virtues Awards, some categories are full but there are still some categories open, support your favourite author and their book by entering them in this fantastic reader only awards.
          	Thank you everyone for your time, looking forward in seeing you there and your favourite book.
          	Have a great day, night everyone.❤️❤️


  Hey everyone @axelle_grace14 and I are thrilled to announce that we just open our new Summer book Club for everyone. Whether you love writing or just enjoy reading, this is a place to share your passion for books and Discover new reads. Don't miss our and please Share this to everyone as possible❤️


Thank you and I will certainly share the book club with others.❤️


To all my followers especially those new ones over the last couple of days, if any of you have a favourite book then please go over to @22Hamilton page and enter your favourite book in The Virtues Awards, some categories are full but there are still some categories open, support your favourite author and their book by entering them in this fantastic reader only awards.
          Thank you everyone for your time, looking forward in seeing you there and your favourite book.
          Have a great day, night everyone.❤️❤️


Hi Everyone,
          XanderGrey they are a author on Inkitt, has written and produced a beautiful song titled, Get It Stuck In Your Mind, it will have you tapping your feet, and listening to it over and over again, it’s a little addictive.
          The song is free to listen, just tap the link below and enjoy, I certainly am.❤️❤️


            You are absolutely correct we need to support one another as much as we can, thank you.❤️❤️❤️


@Bhangoo You’re most welcome  We all to keep up with different music styles and supporting fellow writers is an additional bonus ❤️


            Thank you for taking time to listen to the song.❤️❤️❤️


Hello Everyone,
          @MossfordGreen L and T have published the sequel to Raspberries And Cream For Three, KISSES OF FIRE.
          In the first book RAC43 we finished with
          Cameron being caught in a compromising position with his boyfriend Keegan by none other than his homophobic and racist brother Brandon.
          Word has quickly spread within the family about Cameron being gay, and what made the family even more angry is that he was caught with a boy of mixed race.
          In Kisses Of Fire we will find out what will happen to Cameron, Keegan and Kaiden, as they finish college and prepare for university and the future.
          I highly recommend both books, it’s a beautiful love story, with plenty of ups and downs throughout both books.❤️


@Bhangoo I think that’s what ‘being restful’ is meant to be abstaining from. You know holidays are all about sand, sea, and sex don’t you? ❤️


            Or you could be doing what the boys on the cover of this brilliant book are doing, play tongue twister.❤️


Thank you so much for this shout out. Sorry not to have noticed it earlier but being on holiday has its other draws of course. Hopefully I can start to catch up answering comments today as we’re having a ‘restful’ day….. whatever that means lol ❤️


Hi! Thanks so much for the follow and for voting on Rhyshannon Chronicles! ❤️


@Bhangoo Thank youuu ❤️   btw I love your pfp!!


            You are welcome, your book is brilliant.❤️