I'm meant to say something here about myself, aren't I? Well, there isn't much to say, if you know what I mean. 
I'm just like you, but 0.1% different. Our genes would be indistinguishable to the naked eye, but in truth we are so different we're identical.

What does it mean, to be 0.1% different? Perhaps you have blue eyes and I have brown, or your hair flows past your hips in a river of silk and mine frizzes up around my shoulders when it dries. Maybe your voice is high and melodious, and mine can't strike a chord.

But for certain, we have one thing in common - one thing we all have, we few who sit at desks in the early hours of the evening and do not dread the next day but welcome it, embrace it, for tomorrow can only mean another day of ideas and travelling along roads seldom taken. For our hearts and minds have long since crossed the boundaries of the unknown and into the world that can only be found by those who already know where it is.

What is it that we all have in common, you ask?

When we look out at the world, we do not see that which is most present. And how can we? For our eyes are full of stars.

  • New Zealand
  • JoinedJune 1, 2013