
So..... Uh yea.... I know this is a bit late but well this is an announcement. 
          	Firstly I would like to apologize for those who are waiting for the updates. IRL thrown in a unexpected surprised for me. 
          	All my fanfics will be on hold until March 7th due to the despair all students needs to face. 
          	So yea that's it. Thank you for your time y'all  good day! 


@BetaWriter141 Ah, fecking exams. Good luck with them!


@BetaWriter141 No problem! Take care of whatever you're dealing with and when you feel like writing we'll be here! The most important thing is that you're doing well and not feeling overwhelmed.


So..... Uh yea.... I know this is a bit late but well this is an announcement. 
          Firstly I would like to apologize for those who are waiting for the updates. IRL thrown in a unexpected surprised for me. 
          All my fanfics will be on hold until March 7th due to the despair all students needs to face. 
          So yea that's it. Thank you for your time y'all  good day! 


@BetaWriter141 Ah, fecking exams. Good luck with them!


@BetaWriter141 No problem! Take care of whatever you're dealing with and when you feel like writing we'll be here! The most important thing is that you're doing well and not feeling overwhelmed.


I hope you're doing okay, you think you can continue the sword saint story, it's a first that i found a reinhard based story my fav character 


@Jeffersonluckylin Yea now that I think about it there aren't many of those. 
            New chapter will be updated in... About 3 or 4 days I'll try to re-continue. 