
Updated the story to reflect all currently written chapters. These are now all edited and broken into their respective chapters instead of big 5,000 word dumps of a characters storyline.
          	Also tried to end each chapter on a cliffhanger like a normal fiction novel might.


Updated the story to reflect all currently written chapters. These are now all edited and broken into their respective chapters instead of big 5,000 word dumps of a characters storyline.
          Also tried to end each chapter on a cliffhanger like a normal fiction novel might.


Hi! I've been quiet for 10 days but today I have updated the stories completely so they match what I have written and I have been very busy bring the story so far (30,000 words) into a proper story setting with individual chapters.
          This of course involves editing so I have been spending a lot of time doing that also.


Hey everyone, I am in the process of writing the next character into the story (All Before One). Here is something: He is an older man (human) who does grave robbing (tsk tsk) but finds that not all people stay dead, leading to him committing more bad things and helping to set up the first real villain you will have read about so far. :-)


Hey! I've updated and completed chapter 2 (which would really be like chapter 4 or 5 but I am writing these in bulk at the moment)!
          This concludes the first part of Sora's story so jump in to see if she can get her own Malieka (animal guide) and find out which one she actually bonds with!


Evening or good morning dependent on where/when you may read this. I have just updated the story with another 1,000 words or so? It now sits at around 5,500. I hope to have the remainder of this chapter up before the end of the week.
          I can really feel Gaylia developing as a character and the one closest to her currently, Aravae developing into her own person too which is a nice thing to recognise.