
Hey guys, here's a little update. I'm really sorry that the updates for "He Who Holds The Crown" have been delayed. I have a few technical issues and were currently working to get the chapters recovered, but from what it looks like, i might have to rewrite a lot. Also I'm currently sick with a bad case of the flu, so that's also one of the reasons. But i am working to get the updates again and up, also working through some art visuals for the book. 
          	Thank you all for your support. -Belle


Hi are you still planning on updating he who holds the crown?


@irenewalter yes  so sorry for the late reply and for the long wait. It had to be delayed since were still working on editing Queen Athena. But I am currently writing it alongside editing, and making art for the chapters too. 


Hey guys, here's a little update. I'm really sorry that the updates for "He Who Holds The Crown" have been delayed. I have a few technical issues and were currently working to get the chapters recovered, but from what it looks like, i might have to rewrite a lot. Also I'm currently sick with a bad case of the flu, so that's also one of the reasons. But i am working to get the updates again and up, also working through some art visuals for the book. 
          Thank you all for your support. -Belle


Hi I was just wondering when will I be able to read he who holds the crown? I know you’re rewriting it and posting somewhere else but I am so excited to read it!


@irenewalter oh! Thank you so much. It's currently my main focus now. I was in the process of completing my other book "Queen Athena". But dont worry the updates will start by next month and will be uploaded here too


Hello amazing reader,
                                  Thank you so much for reading my story. I hope you liked it. Your votes mean the world to me. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments. Have a great day/night.
                                                 With love,
                                               Your Author,


Thank you too❤, your book Love & Family is great.


Thank you so much for adding my book to the stories you love it's such an honor ❤️❤️