
this is weird.... being back.... out of hospital I mean..... ive been out a few days..... 


I'm worried about our little buddy. Let's just say I've dealt with some depressed friends... and some of them are not with us. I've seen a lot of them quit their hobbies, things they enjoy, and just sit at home, wondering what to do. I hope that isn't you or your brother man! With care....


Oh.... So...I'm sorry for your loss now I'm going to cry now because it's just sad D': I hope you get too feeling better because everyone who is following is here for you and just who are following but your friends and family are here for you as well....sorry if I posted this kinda late......just smile and think of the good out of it he is with the love of his life now, and yeah sorry if I'm making it worse :/


@NeonFurryWolf I'm sorry to join in, but do you think he'll post a message again? 
            I don't see any of his new activities, you think his really okay? 


I'm with u on this I hope he gets better