
Hey! Chapters One and Two are up for Fervent Redemption. Hit the like and share button and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you! Let me know what you think!


Hey Everyone, I hope everyone's holidays are going extremely well. I just wanted to inform everyone that Fervent Passion and Fervent Sorrow (the first two installments of the Fervent Trilogy) are completed and uploaded (warning there are still some typos). And I am proud to announce my return to writing and I hope to have the final installment of the Fervent Trilogy, Fervent Redemption, up soon. Thank you for sticking with me and happy holidays!


@RMBranek There actually will be a sequel called The GUARDIANS on Earth. Fervent Passion is actually a very long Proquel and The GUARDIANS on Earth is the main story. I apologize for taking long to update the last few chapters of my book but I am trying really hard to make these last few chapters perfect before I update them. I will update one today.