
Thank you for 20k reads everyone!


@oxfordblue__ Thank you so much for loving them too! :)


@Beelzebubble ♡♡ love Kopter and Park!


          We are interested in featuring you and your story "Koon Chai Cafe" on our profile in our interview book. If you would like to be featured, please provide us with the best email address to move forward with our interview. Since the removal of private messages, we have moved our interview process to email. Please let us know if you have any questions!
          We look forward to hearing from you!
          Thank you,
          The Asian & Pacific Islander Romance Team


@Beelzebubble Hello,
            We have reached out to you via the email provided. Please let us know if you don't receive it and/or it isn't in your spam filter. Otherwise, feel free to delete this message for security purposes.
            Thank you,
            The Asian & Pacific Islander Romance Team


@APIRomance Of Course, I would love to! My writing email is


Hi, Bubble! I've been meaning to say this for some time now-- I really loved Koon Chai Cafe! I loved Kopter and Park. Are there any upcoming books that you'll be posting on Wattpad?


@oxfordblue__ Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, whilst it was a lot of work I really loved writing it and I love the boys too :) 
            I'm working on one at the moment, but I'm planning on having at least half of it written before I start updating so I'll probably be releasing the first few chapters sometime in June for Pride Month. I'll keep you posted!


What's up my dudes,
          I just realised I never made a comment or announcement on the fact that Koon Chai Cafe made it onto the Wattpad shortlist, so here it is. 
          It's been three weeks since I found out but I still haven't really passed the shock phase. In all honesty, I entered the Wattys cause it gave my little rat brain enough of a deadline to finally get my act together and motivate me to finally finish the book, but never in a million year would I have thought that it would get recognition like this. 
          To everyone who followed Park and Kopter over the past year and a bit and who's support got me to this point, a big fat thank you for you! And to all of you just joining this adventure, a big fat welcome! 
          And of course, the biggest, fattest thank you to @still_just_me who is possibly the only reason KCC made it beyond the first ten chapters. 
          So, to summarise, I see this as an absolute win! I guess now all that's left is to see if the boys have won anything on the 3rd of December. 


@Beelzebubble As long as the characters have some individuality, I really don't mind if the clichés happen, only if they make sense. This book once had the girl break up with the golden hearted bad boy, then the bad bad boy and again put her with goldie. Like , what?!


@Beelzebubble Cool, I will be sure to check them out


@AmoraProfunde I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, apart from some of my favourite tropes (*ahem* one bed trope *ahem*) I really wanted to throw cliches out the window. Hopefully whatever I write next will fit in the same category :)


Ladies and Gentlemen, Koon Chai Cafe is complete!
          It's with a happy yet heavy heart that I say goodbye to my boys. It feels like I'm saying goodbye to friends I've lived with for the past year and a half, but who knows, maybe I'll be seeing them again soon. 
          I'd like to thank everyone who joined me on this hectic and messy journey of me learning how to write and NOT stick to an upload schedule. Your comments, votes, love and support are the reason I, an habitual project abandoner, was able to finish a book I've been dying to write. 
          Remember to give the last chapter the same love you've given them all. Till next time! 
          - Beelzebubble 
          P.S, I may be posting an epilogue shortly, so keep an eye outdoor that! 


@Beelzebubble congratulations!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Kachow, chapter 32 has been posted! 
          Since 31, 32 and 33 are the same 1-2 hour span just in different perspectives, I wanted to wait till I had both 32 and 33 done before uploading. I've written 33 and all that's left is to edit, so it will likely be out either tomorrow or on Saturday.
          Happy reading everyone! 
          (FYI, for everyone who was asking, after Chapter 33 there will be two more chapters and then a half chapter epilogue then KCC is finished!)