
So in case anyone cares, I started a new wattpad account. I am not deleting this, nor am I discontinuing any of my stories (with the exception of Artemis, that one is either getting rewritten or discontinued, that hasn't been decided) I started a new wattpad for a lot of reasons, I won't bore you with the details but basically I needed a fresh start. As I said, I will eventually get back to my other stories, I just nee to take this all one step at a time, things have been rough, one problem to the next to the next to the next. Regardless, thank yall for following me here, supporting me, reading my stories, and just being patient with me getting through all of this. This isn't the end of my current wattpad account, its the start of a new one. I have started a story on my new account, and its different from everything else I've done so far. My new account it Broken_Dead_Serenity in case you want to follow me maybe? No worries


So in case anyone cares, I started a new wattpad account. I am not deleting this, nor am I discontinuing any of my stories (with the exception of Artemis, that one is either getting rewritten or discontinued, that hasn't been decided) I started a new wattpad for a lot of reasons, I won't bore you with the details but basically I needed a fresh start. As I said, I will eventually get back to my other stories, I just nee to take this all one step at a time, things have been rough, one problem to the next to the next to the next. Regardless, thank yall for following me here, supporting me, reading my stories, and just being patient with me getting through all of this. This isn't the end of my current wattpad account, its the start of a new one. I have started a story on my new account, and its different from everything else I've done so far. My new account it Broken_Dead_Serenity in case you want to follow me maybe? No worries