
Chapter one has been published. It's shorter than it should be but it's just the beginning.. Please don't let this bore you and I hope you continue reading as I add a chapter, or parts of the next chapter, to my story. 
          	  I assure you that this gets more interesting  the deeper I get into my life.


Chapter one has been published. It's shorter than it should be but it's just the beginning.. Please don't let this bore you and I hope you continue reading as I add a chapter, or parts of the next chapter, to my story. 
            I assure you that this gets more interesting  the deeper I get into my life.


I'm slowly adding on to Chapter one. Feel free to continue reading as I add on. 
          This story depicts actual things from my life. The names are made up and some dates are true. (Ex. My birthday) Not all events are in the correct time frame according to my life but it's pretty close.