
Hello everyone, the name change along with the picture change is complete. For anyone who wants to fine me now, my new name is Beautifully-Artistic. If you find the profile with green apples  in the picture, and a forest  header , then you’ve successfully found me!


Hello everyone, the name change along with the picture change is complete. For anyone who wants to fine me now, my new name is Beautifully-Artistic. If you find the profile with green apples  in the picture, and a forest  header , then you’ve successfully found me!


Hello there all of my b-e-a-UTIFUL people! It’s a new year, and honestly, a new me. I know lots of people say that and then don’t change, but I feel like I need it. Not only for me, but for the people I hang around, and for you guys, my readers and followers. With this change will be two things. 1. I am changing my name. The longer I look at it the more it gives me a cringe worthy headache, so it’s out with the old, and in with the new. 2. I am going to try and upload all of my tumblr stories onto here as well, so there are multiple places you guys can go to enjoy my content. By the time you read this, my username and background pictures, et. will probably already be changed, but I will give another announcement after it is done, so you know it is still me. This is the beginning of a new chapter. Thanks guys❤️