
          	God Damn it man. I don’t even know what to say. Rest In Peace. 


@BeanHam Never was a really big fan of DBZ. But man was a LEGEND RIP to a true GOAT


How do you find motivation?


@CringeClown It’s all good. I get it, and you don’t have any obligation.


Thank you. Also, sorry for being quiet for so long, going through some stuff, as well as some new distractions to help keep me busy. 


@CringeClown Motivation is actually something I struggle with sometimes, as I’d guess most people who write do. Personally, I usually go on walks in the evening, and try to brainstorm during that. Once I get home, I’ll jot down some ideas I’ve thought up, or try and write a few paragraphs if time permits. Some of the landscapes/landmarks near me have actually been used as more direct inspiration, like the river bed in the first chapter of TSOB. 
            Music helps too, though that’s mostly for fight scenes. I’ll select a few strategies and techniques I’d like to implement, and then listen to an OST or something. Having that helps me visualize the flow of action, and I’ll then try to build the pieces I have into something more cohesive. 
            I guess the underlying thing is that the best way for me to write is to get myself hyped up to write. Being able to envision scenes, and eventually a finished chapter in my head gives me something to strive for. Don’t know if this helps or not, but this is just my process.
            It’s also good to hear from you again. I thought you died for a hot minute lol. 


Which Ninetales form do you prefer?


I gotta agree, as cool as Alolan Ninetales is, just can’t beat the classic.


This is a tough one. They’re pretty neck and neck for me tbh. Both have cool designs, and are pretty fun in battle to boot. Any weather related ability is a good ability. 
            However, if I had to pick, I’d say the OG edges it out ever so slightly thanks to its absolutely majestic shiny. The silver color looks amazing. 


Today marks the two year anniversary of when I was nearly run over by a forklift. 
          In other news, the next chapter of the Pokémon book should be out around the end of this month. 
          It’s the longest one to date. By a fair amount too, hence the wait. The next chapter of my magia record book should follow after that. 


If you could name your [Y/n]'s, what would their names be?


Thank you! 
            I actually only know German cause’ that was the language I took back in high school. Hardly remember any of it, and was honestly never good at it to begin with, but it was still a good time.


Interesting and very creative! It’s always cool to know what the author would personally name their characters,  especially one that has so many names already (over 26.3K actually ((also congrats on getting over 26K reads!!)))!
            What a minute,


This is an interesting question, one that I’ve actually put some thought into before. I’m aware that these are a bit out there, but I’ve always loved goofy and over the top names in media.
            The Pokémon (Y/n) would probably be named Scipio Caecilius, with both parts having ancient Roman origins. Caecilius comes from Saint Cecilia, who is the patron saint of music. Scipio comes from Scipio Africanus, a highly successful Roman general. 
            Coincidentally, I actually intended for (Y/n)’s team to be themed around different aspects of the battlefield/warfare. Pawniard is obviously the blade, or weaponry. Larvesta is a bit more vague, acting as the environment, via her connection to the sun/weather. Meloetta would be morale, or perhaps Martial music.
            As for the Magia Record (Y/n), I’d call him Faust Küchler, which in turn is very Germanic. Faust was a mythical figure, who was actually based on a real figure. A.K.A Johann Georg Faust of the German renaissance.
            In the legend and subsequent works based on it, he was a man dissatisfied with his current life, and then decided to sell his soul over to the devil for knowledge and power. 
            Küchler is much more ordinary, being an occupational surname for a pastry chef, which this (Y/n) technically is. 


I am so damn happy they added back Meloetta in the dlc (srry I am late), your thoughts on them being added back?


Oh, and in case you did not know, Larvesta can also be found in the vanilla version of the game. Pretty rad.


Am currently doing everything I possibly can because I’m already past the post-game content, so I’m just being a nerd and grinding stuff as well as Pokèmon. Lemme tell you tho, the way you get Meloetta is a bit silly, but no spoilers lol.


Defo glad Meloetta is back. Even if I don’t have it in game, it’s the thought that counts. Barring Archeops and the Aggron line, I’m pretty sure most of my favorite mons are in the game now, which is very nice.
            I actually haven’t gotten around playing the DLC for SV, or actually even beating the game yet. Not because I didn’t like it or anything, I’m just super backloaded on everything and haven’t the time. I’ve heard good things though, so I’m sure I’ll be happy in like 2 years when I finally get around to it.
            You played the DLC yet? 


Always wondered,
          why BeanHam?


The lore runs deep with your username, I respect it.
            I just thought I used to be cringe back then, and I had some random idea with a clown. 


As per tradition, pretty much all of my online usernames have (ham) in them. That’s because my first ever online account for anything was in Wizard101, where I went with IlikeHams as my name. For what reason, I have no idea. I didn’t even particularly like ham at the time, I guess I just thought it was funny. Regardless, I’ve kept the trend going for well over a decade at this point, so no point in stopping.
            The (Bean) part of the name comes from Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. A lot of stuff in that game is bean themed, and I was playing it around the time I made this account. 
            Slap em’ together, and you get BeanHam. 


Aight, so between finals, and some not so negligible writer’s block, I lost of few weeks of progress. Still not back to 100%, but I hope to get new chapters out for both of my books before the new year. 
          If that falls through, then feel free to call me out for it. 
          Hope y’all are having a good day.