
Why thank you very much for the follow!! I really do appreciate it!! I was waiting for Wattpad to get working again to tell you how much I appreciate it!! I would like for you to know that I do have work on my page that you can read, vote and comment on, but no pressure LOL!! :) I hope that you can find something that you can enjoy!! Well, thank you very much for the follow!! And I'm glad to see that I have another wonderful Hearty along with my other Hearties!! <3 I know you're probably wondering what a Hearty is. Well Hearties is what I call my wonderful followers and I'm glad that you can be apart of them now! :) Well, I also checked out your work called Dirty Mind and I really enjoyed it and I hope that you keep the work up!! :) Well, let me get off your page, because I'm sure that I'm taking up a lot of room LOL....And before I get off of your page, I would love to follow you back to show my appreciation along with this lengthy reply as a thank you LOL!! Thank you very much, hon!! :) 
                                        ~Heartful5160 XOXO~