
Neville & I chapter 39 - Stars Around My Scars is out!!!! Happy reading my sunflowers  xo 


I just read it and it is amazing you need to do more


Neville & I chapter 39 - Stars Around My Scars will hopefully be out tomorrow if not Thursday at the latest.  Please keep in mind this will be a heavy chapter so please look after yourself. Thank you for all your continued support over the last 3 years. Happy reading my sunflowers xo 


Just finished writing chapter 39 and now have to finish editing. Did I pull an all nighter? Yes, yes, I did. But it wasn’t intentional know I’m going to go to bed for 2 and 1/2 hours sleep. Wish me luck at TAFE today. So chapter 39 is called “Stars Around My Scars”, and should be out within the next few days. Thank you all for being so patient with me. I know I haven’t written in awhile and I’m hoping this chapter can make up for that. Goodnight/good morning my sunflowers xo 


Hello my beautiful sunflowers I'm so sorry for inactivitity, I've just been really busy as I study full time and I haven't had any time to write. But I'm actually working on a new chapter (while I'm writing this actually) that I'm able to use for a project for my tafe (pre uni course) so I have an excuse to write. I have not able to write more of my novel either. Also big news I got into my first uni course for an undergraduate certificate in creative writing, which with give me what I need for my bachelor of arts in creative writing (I'll apply next year after I've finished this one which starts in november.) I'm going to try and update more often. I have the next 2 weeks to write, edit and upload chapter 39 for you guys. I'm at least 2000 words into at least a 7000 word chapter. Are there things you'd like to see in Neville and I? big loves, Baylea


@g0th_fairee154 thank you so much lovely xo 


So excited you’re back!! Congratulations on your first uni course!!!


           you've been inactive for a while, i hope everythings okayy and you come back soon! <3


@BayleaShaye im glad you're backk :) 


@m4nix1e_  heyyy I'm okay, just been really busy as I study full time and I haven't had any time to write. But I'm actually working on a new chapter (while I'm writing this actually) that I'm able to use for a project for my tafe (pre uni course) so I have an excuse to write not even my novel. I know I need to catch up Through the screen and a few other stories as I haven't had much time to read either and I've been sucked into the world of tumblr (oops) but I'm back and excited to see what Y/N (and Channie) get up too xo


Hey my sunflowers ✨ I’m working on new chapters for you but it might be a little bit of a wait there is at least 6 chapters left of book 1. I want to apologise for the lack of chapters and inactivity. I’m currently studying full time and have a few personal and family issues going on . But I wanted to let you know I’m here and working to the best of my ability to write and share worthy chapters for your eyes. If there are topics or certain things you’d like for me to explore and discuss in the coming or future chapters please comment under this post or message me directly on instagram @bayleashaye also feel free to checkout the official playlist on Spotify. Sending love and sunflowers xo 


Hey lovelies I don’t know if some of you have noticed but I have been updating and editing some of these chapters. I have been trying make them better and more readable I don’t know some of you noticed too I’ve added quite a lot and I’m hoping to do more updates regularly I haven’t really had the best mindset to sit down and write a full chapter lately I know I have at least four chapters left before the end of this book and I have yet to work on book 2 xo


I’m so excited !!! I’ve been noticing and can’t wait to read them !!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hey lovelies thought I’d let you know that there probably won’t be any chapter next Monday as I am currently recovering from Covid I tested positive yesterday and it has hit me like a tonne of bricks I’ll try and get some writing done so I can at least publish the week after but I have been advise to rest but no doubt I’ll probably get bored at some point there’s only so much TikTok, movies, reading and TV shows can entertain me. so if not writing maybe some brainstorming and outlining of what I can include in that chapter I really do hope you are enjoying the new chapters. I also would like to let you know that there is at least 4 to 5 chapters left in this book but it’s not the end of y/n and Neville’s story, I also would like to apologise if there’s any spelling or grammar mistakes (my little autistic brain  is trying.)I’m doing my best I’m hoping to do a creative writing course next year to improve my writing and grammar skills but I can’t complete it until I’ve completed my music course also if there’s anything you would like me to possibly include in the last few chapters let me know if there’s anything back I just hope I’m doing these characters justice. 
          That’s all for now sunflowers much love xo 


Hey guys I thought I’ll let you know that I am updating Y/n’s appearance, her being blonde blue-eyed made her seem and look like every other YN out there I’m still undecided if I want to keep her name Y/n so you can put your own name but remember this is just a baseline to go off you can completely change how do you see her in your head if you’d like I am currently editing other original characters in art breeder if you notice in chapter 1 I have changed her hair colour I will be adding a picture later on xo 


Hey guys quick question is anybody passionate about and loves doing art? I’d love to be able to put some fan art in my story if some of you want to draw some please let me know, dm or tag me on instagram xo. Ps working on another chapter for you all I have found my spark again